Name: Toffee Turtles: Decadent. Medicated. Delicious. My Rating: A- Type: Organic cannabis butter based (120 mg of THC per piece) made with top shelf Sour Diesel and Blue Dream strains. Taste: 10 Let me put it this way: when my friend popped one in his mouth he said, “That’s dangerous.” I asked why and he replied, “Because it’s real sweet, tastes more like chocolate than weed.” Potency: 7 I ate... Read more »
So this is making headlines on marijuana blogs across the web: A reporter who covers mostly MMJ stories, “accidentally” eats 2 pot brownies while on assignment in Los Angeles. And now he’s warning about the dangers of medical marijuana. Really?! So this story is actually quite ridiculous but this reporters’ idiocy makes me laugh. First off, you’re going to attend a marijuana party where everyone around you is smoking marijuana... Read more »